Hurry, hurry!


The job of a lifetime is going in New York City for those who like a leisurely stroll in sane and reassuring company. The “energetic and fearless” tortoise Harry needs someone to take him for his  daily walk in Central Park. This, surely, would be the ultimate mindfulness meditation.

And by the spookiest of coincidences Gert is looking for someone to walk her centipede, Montesquieu, on the beach.   Must be speedy walker with very small feet.

16 thoughts on “Hurry, hurry!

    1. A friend had the job, many years ago, of walking a very large lobster on a leash in the hours before it was to become part of a New England Lobster Bake. The lobster seemed to enjoy it, the friend said, but she felt a twinge when eating the lobster later. We do not know of an appropriate person to walk the centipede however,

      1. I suppose it was the equivalent of “the condemned man ate a hearty meal” but in this case the condemned lobster was the hearty meal. If I were your friend I wouldn’t confess to this; it puts him/her in a very bad light.

    1. I’ll have to take your word for it, as on so many other matters. I must say I like the idea of you in your deerstalker cap proceeding majstically along the pavement with your tortoise, all the neighbours whispering behind their hands “There goes that weird man who reads books.”

  1. My understanding of the word ‘flaneur’ has undergone a massive change through reading this post and comments!

    I could volunteer to walk Montesquieu provided he/she gets on well with dogs and promises in advance not to trip me up.

  2. Once again Lewis Carroll was across this subject with his Mock Turtle’ Song.
    I would not be a suitable person to walk the turtle unless it was for making it more delicious to eat.!

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