Monthly Archives: March 2014

Tales from The Owl: the story of the universe


Once the world and all the planets were coloured stones in the enormous pockets of a giant named Roar. Roar was all there was and there was nothing but Roar. He stood alone in the immense darkness for billions and billions of years until an idea formed in his mind. And this was the idea: ROAR BORED. Billions more years passed. And then a new idea: ROAR PLAY. Roar’s hands went into his enormous pockets and pulled out the coloured stones.

Continue reading Tales from The Owl: the story of the universe

Boyhood Island – Karl Ove Knausgaard


The third volume of Knausgaard’s My Struggle is out, to predictable controversy. “A masterpiece for the age of the selfie,” says Anthony Cummins  (The Observer, Sunday 23/14); John Crace subjects it to one of his masterly take-offs – “Writing about writing. Writing about not writing. Who cares which when the bandwagon’s rolling?” (The Guardian, 24/3/14), and Hari Kunzru muses on how hard it is to get a grip on how compelling the books are “because much of it appears painfully banal.”(The Guardian (8/3/14)

Continue reading Boyhood Island – Karl Ove Knausgaard