Monthly Archives: June 2015

The 1001 Nights of Iarcus Oralto


We have previously posted extracts from the  Gertrude Stein manuscript discovered by Denis Kodaly. Here is an extract from the beginning of Denis’ own magnum opus, The 1001 Nights of Iarcus Oralto, which  follows the travels of a a pompous Englishman in the strange land of Arrapamatta. Iarcus’ tale starts with a shipwreck from which  he barely escapes. Now read on…   Continue reading The 1001 Nights of Iarcus Oralto

Yeats and Pound

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We have let the 150th anniversary of the birth of W.B. Yeats on June 13th go by unmentioned.  Yes, really , 150 years, 1865. In her impressionable youth Gert was a great Yeats fan, and she still thinks he wrote some of the greatest poems in the language, even if he was a rather silly man.  Here are some slightly left-field observations, courtesy of Ezra Pound. Continue reading Yeats and Pound

Simply messing around in books on International Yoga Day



The cantankerous reviewer in Private Eye said, Continue reading Simply messing around in books on International Yoga Day