Monthly Archives: December 2019

Radiant Shimmering Light by Sarah Selecky

Lilian Quick is forty years old and struggling. Her ability to see animal auras and incorporate them into pet portraits does not pay well and she can barely scrape up the rent on her Toronto sublet. Most of her life is lived digitally, and she is constantly taking selfies and deleting then because she doesn’t like the way she looks. Every matcha latte is Instagrammmed, and Yumi, with whom she shares a studio (for a small fee) is about the only person she sees. Continue reading Radiant Shimmering Light by Sarah Selecky

Field of Poppies by Carmel Bird


What a beautiful book Transit Lounge has created for Carmel Bird’s latest novel. Rich dark red wallpaper on the end papers, and a gold-framed image of Monet’s Field of Poppies in the centre of each page, close ups of red poppies on the cover. One instantly wants to buy it for a gift for those who would appreciate it. And isn’t that everybody? Well maybe not.

Continue reading Field of Poppies by Carmel Bird

Baa Baa Wordsworth




….turning, saw, as one sees in a dream,

It was a Sheep had broke the moorland peace

With his sad cry, a creature who did seem

The blackest thing that ever wore a fleece


I walked towards him on the stony track

And, pausing for a while between two crags

I asked him,’Have you wool upon your back?’

Thus he bespake, ‘Enough to fill three bags.’


Most courteously, in measured tones he told

Who would receive each bag and where they dwelt;

And oft, now years has passed and I am old,

I recollect with joy that inky pelt.



To read more of this nursery rhyme as it might have been written by William Wordsworth, or Hickory Dickory Dock in the style of T S Eliot, seek out Making Cocoa for Kingsley Amis by Wendy Cope ( ff Classics)